Traceable Organic Fresh Dairy. Bottle milk, butter, cream, ice cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream. British Columbia, Vancouver.

Organic Milk


*Certified organic. Verified delicious.*

100% LOCAL. 100% NATURAL. 100% ORGANIC

The first morning light washes its way onto a wooden fence around the pasture.

Birds begin to busy themselves in the trees.

The sound of gravel crunches on the path, as tall rubber boots make their morning walk to the barn where the cows are ready to start their day.

There has been plenty published on the benefits of organic. For us, it starts with the soil - free of GMOs.

Soil without pesticides grows healthy plants, which ensures quality milk.

Looking after the soil and the animals that graze on it, is the primary concern of Avalon’s farmers.

Organic Homo

3.25% M.F.
Available in: 1L glass bottle, 1.89L glass bottle, 1L carton, 2L jug & 4L jug

Enjoy the smooth, gentle comfort of homogenized milk from Avalon Dairy.

While we know it’s an excellent source of Calcium and Vitamin D to provide your body with the vital nutrients it requires throughout the day, we also know that no bowl of cereal or oatmeal would be the same without it! Turn your everyday dishes into a gourmand’s accolade by using it for a creamy soup, or by adding the decadence of homemade ricotta to your meal.

  • Parameters

    • Package
    • Glass. Carton, Jug
  • Comments


    Amazing milk ! My son loves it !

    C Q

    Do you add B12 to your milk?


    Is this 3.25% milk fat?

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