Traceable Organic Fresh Dairy. Bottle milk, butter, cream, ice cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream. British Columbia, Vancouver.

Organic Milk


*Certified organic. Verified delicious.*

100% LOCAL. 100% NATURAL. 100% ORGANIC

The first morning light washes its way onto a wooden fence around the pasture.

Birds begin to busy themselves in the trees.

The sound of gravel crunches on the path, as tall rubber boots make their morning walk to the barn where the cows are ready to start their day.

There has been plenty published on the benefits of organic. For us, it starts with the soil - free of GMOs.

Soil without pesticides grows healthy plants, which ensures quality milk.

Looking after the soil and the animals that graze on it, is the primary concern of Avalon’s farmers.

Organic Whipping Cream

36% M.F.
Available in: 1L glass bottle, 500mL glass bottle, 500mL carton, 250mL carton

36% M.F. Do we need to say more?

Avalon Organic Whipping Cream will have you whipping up a storm in your kitchen! You can use it to make whipping cream, but did you know you can use this to make butter? Yes - That's right - Butter!  
Looks like this glass bottle has you set for many weekend brunches at home!

  • Parameters

    • Package
    • Glass bottle; Carton
  • Comments

    Donna Cunningham

    Please tell me your ingredients in your whip cream? Where can I buy it on Vancouver Island? Thank you


    Please tell me your ingredients in your whip cream? The 36 percent fat whip cream, thank you. Jennifer.


    Please tell me why your carbs are so high in this whipping cream. Do you add sugar


    Great questions there; are answers posted somewhere? If a product is labelled \"Organic\" does that allow it to be excluded from showing ingredients; for instance the sugar, here ... 9g per 250 ml; other Whipping Creams show Carageenan added; is that added here, and if so, not shown because it comes from an organic source, i.e., a seaweed? Thx, in advance, for any replies; all the best! Just trying this Whipping Cream for the first time.

    Jackie Pettitt

    Can your whipping cream be frozen? Thanks!


    What are the ingredients?? Thank you!

    jennifer Mascall

    I have been using for your organic whipping cream to make butter for 2 years now. Tody i whipped it and it would not separate and became the consistency of slimy margarine. it was impossible tomake the butter. what have you changed in your componenets of the processing of this. thanks


    Are all of your products Canadian?

    Andrea Doby

    Where are the answers to these questions?

    Andrea Doby

    Where are the answers to these questions?

    Andrea Doby

    Where are the answers to these questions?

    Gena Madigan

    Health food stores carry this as well as Thrifty Foods and Quality Foods on Vancouver Island. I can\'t believe anyone is asking the ingredients in whipping cream. Crazy. Or why are the carbs so high? LOL It is amazing how lttle people know about real food these days.


    Oh I live for that cream clot !! What an extra special treat. Yum !!!!


    Why there\'s no ingredients listed? I\'m looking for a product with only cream and milk without any kind of thickeners or else added.


    Why there\'s no ingredients listed? I\'m looking for a product with only cream and milk without any kind of thickeners or else added.


    I need a heavy cream for Keto and must avoid any additives (gums). Where can I buy it in South Surrey or White Rock


    Everyone who\'s been asking what the ingredients are - cream. That\'s it. It\'s 36% fat. The sugar is naturally occurring. It has the lowest sugar count of any of the available whipping cream. It\'s about 1/2gram per tablespoon.

    Randy Paluck

    Purchased the Organic 36% Whipping Cream from Naked Naturals in Parksville. The viscosity is as thin as Milk meaning no way it has a 36% milk fat content??? Very disappointed with the product. The date came off with handling but it was 4:19 MAY 20 I think.


    Very poor product. No ingredients list. Could have many additives. You just don\'t know.


    It is my understanding that labelling labs stipulate that ingredients must be listed on products. Where can I find this information? Specifically, I am looking for whipping cream with no thickeners added. Kindly advise if Avalon whipping cream has anything other than Milk/Cream in it. Thank you.


    Typo: labelling laws


    Does your organic whipping cream contain carrageenan or thickness?


    This seems to also contain added sugar as clotted cream comes out with heavy burnt flavour and colour. Really disappointed that I wasted my money on a product that might be purposefully omitting inconvenient ingredients.


    This seems to also contain added sugar as clotted cream comes out with heavy burnt flavour and colour. Really disappointed that I wasted my money on a product that might be purposefully omitting inconvenient ingredients.


    I have been searchingnthe wholse Surrey grocery stores looking for 35% plus whip cream to use for frosting on cakes, and when I found this at Save on and tried it, it really did whip well and did not melt as frosting and piped flowers on top! I got a small bottle and am looking for the 1L. Pls keep this product, this is the first and only 36% fat content whip cream out there. I\'d say this is what you use for baking/decorating.


    No, people. They just sell organic cream. No adds. The dairy comes with natural sugars, which means carbs too. I have a 500ml one and just haves organic cream as ingredient. The another ones, no organics, haves milk, cream, cellulose gel, cellulose gum and something else

    Deanna Bryan

    What are the ingredients? The carbs seem high and fiber in cream seems odd to the uninformed. I love it just wondering. I’m trying to be kept so the 36% cream is good but is there sugar

    Deanna Bryan

    What are the ingredients? The carbs seem high and fiber in cream seems odd to the uninformed. I love it just wondering. I’m trying to be kept so the 36% cream is good but is there sugar

    Len Satov

    Hi there. Where can I buy your organic whipping cream in Vancouver?

    Justin Dymond

    I\'ve been on a butter-making craze for a few weeks now as I\'ve discovered it\'s incredibly easy to make and more cost effective. Picked up some 36% cream today and was not disappointed. Not only did it make MORE butter than a similarly sized 1L from Dairyland, but far better quality. Also cost $5.75 for a 1L container of cream and you get 500ml of buttermilk and 2 cups of quality butter. I don\'t know what other people are complaining about!


    Where is the ingredient list? And why have a comments section if you don\'t reply? Seems many people would just like a simple answer - what is in your whipping cream?


    Where is the ingredient list? And why have a comments section if you don\'t reply? Seems many people would just like a simple answer - what is in your whipping cream?


    Where is the F’ing ingredients or at least list only cream if that is all it is.

    Brian (again)

    Found the ingredients on Save On Foods website. It’s just organic cream. Nothing else.


    Wow people, the ingredients are on top of the lid, it says only one ingredient, cream. Maybe try looking before attacking them.

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