Traceable Organic Fresh Dairy. Bottle milk, butter, cream, ice cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream. British Columbia, Vancouver.

Organic Milk


*Certified organic. Verified delicious.*

100% LOCAL. 100% NATURAL. 100% ORGANIC

The first morning light washes its way onto a wooden fence around the pasture.

Birds begin to busy themselves in the trees.

The sound of gravel crunches on the path, as tall rubber boots make their morning walk to the barn where the cows are ready to start their day.

There has been plenty published on the benefits of organic. For us, it starts with the soil - free of GMOs.

Soil without pesticides grows healthy plants, which ensures quality milk.

Looking after the soil and the animals that graze on it, is the primary concern of Avalon’s farmers.

Organic 2% Milk

Available in: 1L glass bottle, 1.89L glass bottle, 1L carton, 2L jug & 4L jug

Avalon Organic 2% Milk may have the reduced fat, but it still gets away with the full-bodied fame Avalon is known for, and doesn’t let go of it’s vital nutrients while doing so!

With Calcium and Vitamin D to keep you energized and moving well through the day, it’s the perfect guilt-free addition to your routine when you add it to your favourite beverages! Or keep it simple and drink a glass of it ice cold!

For those rainy coastal BC days, a creamy chicken stew or an alfredo sauce (that is reduced fat) pasta dish cooked with Avalon Organic 2% Milk can both support immune function and comfort a weary heart!

  • Parameters

    • Package
    • Glass. Carton. Jug
  • Comments

    Julie LeDevehat

    I have been buying your milk and cream for years. A recent purchase of a litre 2% bottle at Lepps in Abbotsford for $4.99 plus $1.25 bottle deposit was very disturbing. I buy this same bottle for $2.97 with $1.00 deposit at two other markets I frequent. Am I incorrect in assuming your product be priced the same everywhere? Regards, Julie LeDevehat


    Being diabetic, I am looking for milk that has less than 12% sugar. Are any of the Avalon varieties offered with less sugar?


    Being diabetic, I am looking for milk that has less than 12% sugar. Are any of the Avalon varieties offered with less sugar?

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